Future Directions

This is the most recent topic in a chronological story.   To read this blog from beginning to end please START AT THIS LINK 

Now that I have found my dream team and such an effective way of working, my biggest wish now would be to have a job description and official organizational structure that aligns. For software to be optimally effective, it should be designed from the ground up – in the “trenches” where the developers, users, administrators and leaders can work together and effectively communicate needs with the experience and nimbleness Sunita, Sharda and I have established.

While this work is incredibly rewarding and we are thrilled at what we have produced, we are all still working outside out of our job descriptions and not in an “officially sanctioned” way. My vision is to have the value of our way of working recognized at the root of organizations so that we can set an example of what is possible and inspire others.

With Sharda and Sunita at Society of Radiation Oncology Administrators' (SROA) 2022 conference in San Antonio


  1. I am impressed with your tenacity, brilliance, and commitment to excellence and teamwork! As a former coworker in Math IT (yes you were), I hope you fantastic women in STEM finally get your due recognition and pot of gold!!

  2. Keep going! Enjoy the journey. You have made it this far. I look forward to the next stage.

  3. I was there for part of your journey, starting in Penn State, Belcore, boyfriend turn husband, start up. You did a lot since, and I didn't expect anything less than that from you. Go techy girls.


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